An online webinar via Zoom with some shared insights to young researchers interested in how to have stronger leadership.
It is not just about being skilled as person to be a leader. By positioning your research, you can take lead. We may think that publishing is the way to be a leading researcher. It is so much more.
This webinar is for those interested to strenghten their leadership strategy, as well as those who are looking for new opportunities. Being active to interact is a key for opportunities. Therefore we have career days and webinars in that line.
There will be a presentation (20-30 minutes) and open discussion (30 minutes) for the interaction.
Jan 25, 2024 | 10AM (Stockholm)
REGISTER (free of charge)
Speaker: Dr. Mikael Syväjärvi will share briefly some experiences which he has gathered in a full workshop (read more).
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This webinar is partly an activity in transfer of knowledge in the EU FET Open project SiComb.