Grant for SME in green transition

Funding for SME in one of these: advanced materials or advanced manufacturing or photonics

for training/service: (i) Technical, economic, and environmental assessments; (ii) Development of green business models.

5000 EUR to SME for the green transition.

The grant is by PIMAP4Sustainability that is an EU-funded Euroclusters project that aims to help SMEs to be more resilient by doing their twin transition, green and digital.

This is for skilling and upskilling your SME workforce. You can get 5000 EUR for buying training and services.

SME must be located in the European Union, or in an associated country to the SMP-COSME programme such as: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro,  Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden, Türkiye, Liechtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Ukraine

Here is an offer:
Contact Mikael Syväjärvi ( for more information.

Business and sustainability values in the supply and value chains from raw materials and advanced materials manufacturing to end user implementation using shared data for digitalization implementation via digital twin and Web3 Digital Wallet with embedded climate impact accounting.

What does this mean?

The modern business and sustainability values in the advanced materials supply and value chains can only be achieved by sharing data and using digitalization routes. An essential part is on shared data for creating the values in business and sustainability. The shared data will be using Web3 Digital Wallet with an embedded climate impact accounting.

Let us describe this step by step.

Web3, also known as Web 3.0, is the development of a new version of the internet that is more advanced and user-friendly than what we have today. The main difference is that Web3 aims to be decentralized (not controlled by just a few big companies). Instead, the power and control are spread out among its users. Big companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon have a lot of control over what we see and do on the internet. Web3 wants to change that by spreading control among all users so no single company has too much power. Web3 uses something called blockchain, which is a way of storing information that is very secure and transparent. It’s the same technology used for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In Web3, blockchain helps to keep track of who owns what data and make sure everything is fair and safe. In Web3 you have more control over your own information.

Web3 digital wallet is (simplified) a new way of making business using internet (digitalization). It is a type of digital wallet that allows users to interact with decentralized applications and networks on the Web3 platform. It is often referred to in the context of blockchain and cryptocurrency. These use smart contract which are like regular contracts, but completely digital and run automatically.

To understand how this will change the future business: remember how we earlier made business one to one. One person offered a product. Someone was buying it and paid in cash, or later by credit card. Next, a new level of business was possible by stock market trading. Selling and buying instantaneously, in many deals at the same time which had instant decision making. The Web3 digital wallet is the next level after that. Add the value of embedded climate impact accounting and we can not even imagine how business will come to next level.

Embedded climate impact accounting is about understanding and keeping track of the environmental impact (especially related to climate change) of products or services right from their creation to their use and disposal. It will be required for making business, or fade away if not doing it. In the future, nobody will buy unless there is a climate impact consideration with the product. In fact, companies will be in problem because working like they do today, they build a debt in climate impact. This will hit hard. At some point there will be decisions (for example by European Commission) that companies have to pay per unit CO2. They will not accept carbon credit. Imagine that an industry has to pay X eurocent per unit of CO2.

Involve everyone

We have to involve stakeholders in the supply chain and value chain. If they should ever understand what is done, we must invite them digitally. This is where digital twin will be essential for involvement.

A digital twin is a virtual model of a real-world object, process, or system. Think of it as a bridge between the physical and digital world. Imagine that you can invite stakeholders to see the whole system. We can zoom in on the raw materials manufacturing details, and zoom out to see the semiconductors in the societal context. Everyone will understand historically, the present and the future. This is achieved by virtual reality, using shared data for machine learning, AI, etc.

Training and services

We have complementary expertise. Our overall training is on the below. It will be the entry point for new green business models. An actual model will depend on each specific SME need.

  • Our focus is on business and sustainability values. It refers to the overall goal of businesses to achieve both financial success and environmental responsibility.
  • The supply and value chains indicates that the focus is on the entire process of creating and delivering products or services.
  • Shared data is a key enabler for digitalization and sustainability.
  • by digital twin and Web3 Digital Wallet we have two specific tools that can be used to leverage shared data for digitalization.
  • embedded climate impact accounting highlights the additional feature of tracking and managing climate impact.

Who are we?

Mikael Syväjärvi, Alminica AB. Expertise in silicon carbide manufacturing R&D and industrialization from R&D routes since 30 years. Active in transfer of knowledge and establish new manufacturing industry in advanced materials.

Mats Brodén, Play Safe Ecosystems AB, expertise in web3, metaverse, newtech, tokenization, and real world assets, etc.

Nicolas Waern, Winniio AB. Expertize in digital twins and new innovation and business routes using digitalization.