IW-SiC Open

The IW-SiC Open is made for efficient dissemination and transfer of knowledge using online presentation mode (Zoom meeting). It has free attendence. This can be separate, or part of workshop. The purpose is to disseminate results and create transfer of knowledge. This is realized by having a presentation part and an interactive part.

At an open session there are two (or sometimes three) presentations. Each presenter has 10 minutes for presenting and 10 minutes for Q&A. After both presentations there is 20 minutes for more exchange. Total time one hour. The emphasis on exchange has the outcome that there is more transfer of knowledge. That also gives rise to ideas and possible collaborations.

Interested to share your work in an open session? Contact us and we schedule an open session. You will not only be visible at the session, you and your work will have more dissemination by sharing in our social media channels.

It is expected that the presentations will not be as detailed as when presenting at conferences to other experts in same topic. Open session is intended to create exchange between experts and other stakeholders like entrepreneurs, deeptech investors, policy makers, citizens, other research disciplines, etc.

The open workshop is complementary to the main and young researcher sessions. Read about IW-SiC model here.