Open webinar March 26, 2024. Mikael Syväjärvi discusses several key themes related to the development, application, and future of silicon carbide technology, particularly its journey...
Forum | April 18, 2024 | 10:30AM (Stockholm) Silicon carbide manufacturing is coming to India. There is a need of crystal growers. Today the silicon...
April 22 | online The webinar focuses on the latest developments in electronics and sensing technologies. Key speakers will discuss Silicon Carbide applications beyond power...
Open forum April 11, 2024 | 10AM (Stockholm) | online via Zoom How can we facilitate transformative manufacturing? New hot-zones and/or processes? How can be...
Data centers, semiconductors and buildings Data centers (big buildings full of computers storing online data) and data transmission networks are significant consumers of global electricity....
The European Commission has a the new strategic plan for Horizon Europe.The key strategic orientations for EU’s research and innovation funding for 2025-2027 are: The...
March 27, 2024 | 10-12AM (Stockholm) | onine via Zoom EU project learnings: from materials development to application The FET-Open and Pathfinder EU projects focus...
We are planning an online workshop in SiC crystal growth and manufacturing. The workshop is not intended for latest scientific achievements. We also invite industry,...
March 21, 2024 | 11AM (Stockholm) | online via Zoom Mikael Syväjärvi will share experiences and practices on how to create impact in realistic ways....